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    The addons in titanium we offer for sale on this page are unique creations that have not met the "standard production criteria".

    They therefore differ slightly from the norm, but it's precisely this difference that makes them special. Nevertheless, each piece has been designed with passion and meticulous care. By wearing one of these creations, you give it new life and the opportunity to exist as a distinct object. You allow this piece to assert its unique character and stand out from the rest.

    It is in this difference that all its value lies, and you have the privilege of being part of this history by proudly wearing this exceptional piece.

    ❗️❗️❗️❗️ Attention: to discover all the add-ons available for a given size, click on the different "Styles" and you'll magically discover a whole new world..... ❗️❗️❗️❗️

    195 products